Your lawn should be mowed to at least 2.75 inches to maintain the health of your turf. You can mow your lawn shorter to 2 inches for the final mow of the season.
How long should I wait before mowing after a lawncare application?
Please wait a minimum of 24 hours before mowing your lawn to ensure the weeds will absorb our products. If your lawn maintenance provider has a set mow day for you, please let us know so we can properly time your applications.
Bagging lawn clippings is normally only a concern if you already have a heavy thatch layer. If your lawn is being regularly aerated, there should be no issues with leaving the clippings. Clippings also return nutrients to the turf and provide a moisture barrier effect.
Core aerification is performed with specialized equipment that pulls plugs of soil from your lawn at 3 inch centers. This process relieves thatch and soil compaction which is especially beneficial if you have clay soils. Aeration gets air, water and nutrients near the roots to allow for easier uptake by the plants. Aeration also provides a great opportunity to overseed your lawn as the seed can easily enter the holes we create.
Should I rake up the cores after having my lawn aerated?
Please do not rake up the cores after having your lawn aerated. This is not necessary as they will naturally break down over a 1-2 week period. If you seed your lawn after having it aerated, you may use a stiff rake to break up the cores to help bury the seed but you do not need to remove any of the soil.
Beginning in mid September through the middle of October is the best time of year for seeding your lawn. The cooler fall temperatures combined with a generally rainy time of year create a great environment for your new grass to thrive. The next best opportunity would be early Spring to take advantage of the April showers. Keep in mind with Spring seeding that you will not be able to use a pre-emergent herbicide to control Crabgrass as the pre-emergent would prevent your new seed from sprouting. If you intend to seed in the Spring be sure to let us know so we can modify your fertilization schedule to accommodate.
How frequently and what time of day should I water my lawn?
We recommend watering your lawn 3-4 times per week depending on the climate. Lawns prefer to be watered in the morning while it is cooler and there is less evaporation and for 10-15 minutes per zone. This ensures the soil becomes saturated and you are not just moistening the leaf blades which can lead to fungal disease issues.
How do I prevent Crabgrass from growing in my lawn?
The most important step to preventing Crabgrass is not giving it the space it needs to grow. This means maintaining a healthy, thick lawn. Important steps to take include mowing at the correct 2.75″-3″ height, adequate fertilization program, core aerification and effective pest control. Crabgrass plants require space so having a thick lawn prevents crabgrass from germinating and growing to its full & ugly potential. Applying a pre-emergent in the spring will stop Crabgrass seeds from germinating as well. This invasive grass also thrives next to driveways & sidewalks, so we pay particular attention to these areas and can use post emergent control if we find any in those areas.
Why do Dandelions and other weeds return each year?
Dandelions and other broadleaf weeds are very prolific and reproduce exceptionally fast. Their seeds can travel throughout your neighborhood and from natural areas as well. The control products that we use can only eliminate the weed once they appear & must be sprayed on the actual plant itself. If a weed sprouts after we have applied the products, they will not be affected by that product. The prevention of broadleaf weeds is the main reason we have a 5 application program and we have found that by consistently treating lawns at 4-6 week intervals we are able to effectively eliminate these pests.
When will my Nutrilawn service begin for the season?
Weather permitting, we will begin your service March 1st of each year. If your lawn is still covered in snow or there are snow piles left from your plow service then we would not treat your lawn.
Sharp lawnmower blades are essential to maintaining healthy turf. By using a dull blade, you are not leaving a clean cut on each grass blade which will cause them to be frayed and leave them open to the potential for disease. We recommend having your blades sharpened at least once per season to ensure they are sharp enough. Our lawn maintenance division sharpens their blades biweekly to ensure they are sharp and nick free.
The dog spots you may see in your lawn are caused by the high salt content of the animal’s urine which essentially burns the turf. These spots are generally unavoidable unless you train your four legged friends to only go in a particular area of your landscape, preferably in a wooded or mulched area! You may also be able to speak with your Veterinarian about anything they could do that may alleviate the problem.
How long should I keep my children & pets off the lawn after an application?
Please follow the instructions left by your Nutrilawn applicator and remain off the lawn for 24 hours or until the product has dried. The products we use have been extensively tested by the EPA to ensure they are safe when used as directed. It is highly unlikely that any residue will be removed after it has adequately dried on the plant surfaces.
I have tried to apply lawncare products myself in the past and had poor results, what makes Nutrilawn different?
One big difference between hiring a professional company vs doing your own lawncare applications is that you’re hiring an expert team who can diagnose & correct problems as they arise. Our team is comprised of trained & certified professionals who can distinguish various diseases & insects which can be challenging to diagnose without adequate training. We follow the seasons closely to be sure we’re applying the right quantity of the right products at the right time. We will keep coming back to treat your lawn until it meets your satisfaction, because we are committed to providing you a hassle free approach to a beautiful lawn. Click here for more information!